Friday, January 6, 2017

Back to School

Man, vacation is good. It's so nice to not be in school. Too bad all vacations eventually have to end.

School started back up on the 4th, but it seemed like everyone was mad we were even starting. One of my professors even said, "I don't know why we're here today. Everyone in the world starts on Monday."

This is hopefully my last semester at SUU. Kaylee is also graduating this semester, so we should be moving on either way. I've already applied for pharmacy schools, so I'm hoping that everything goes well there. I'm hoping to stay in the state of Utah, but I've been in school so long, I will almost take anything at this point.

This semester is going to be fun, because I only have one class that I need to finish up my pre-requisites for pharmacy school. As long as I pass organic chemistry 2, I will be eligible for a lot of pharmacy schools. Other than that class, I have a swimming class, a circuit training class (with Kaylee), coaching/officiating football and a broadcasting class.

The broadcasting class is going to be interesting because I am required to be on the radio 10 times throughout the semester. I've done a half hour radio show in the past with the Dixie Sun News, but I never ran the station at any point. I'm excited though, so look out for some updates on that. I will be on 91.1 in Cedar City or you can find it online if you want to listen to me.

Picture from

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