Saturday, April 22, 2017

"Good Samaritans" and "Millennials"

Millennials are generally viewed as a complacent, lazy, technologically advanced generation, but a lot of them can be amazing people and incredibly smart.

The other day at work, one of our lifeguards, Mariah, had car troubles. Her Jeep wouldn't start and she was just looking for a jump to start it up. Her direct supervisor, Mike, and I went out to help her get it started.

When we got the hood up, a family came out of the community center and happened to be parked next to her. The father offered to help and tried and tried to get it jumped, but the car wouldn't even click. He was determined to get it to start, but to no avail. He eventually left, probably disappointed he couldn't help more.

As Mike, Mariah and I were talking an old beat-up car backed into the spot kitty corner to Mariah's Jeep. It was muddy and beat up with a poorly executed backing into a spot, but when the two high school-aged boys got out, they immediately asked what was wrong.

I told them it was dead, but a jump didn't work. I was thinking to myself what difference would it make if you two knew anyway. It's not like they could help, right? Man, could I have been more wrong.

They immediately started pulling tools from the back of the car to take out the battery and put their own in it to see if it was the battery.

"We're mechanics at Snow Canyon High School," one of them said. I was highly impressed by the amount of knowledge these two kids had about cars.

The car never started, so Mariah called her parents, and they eventually arrived. The two SCHS mechanics told her dad that it was probably the starter and it wouldn't take long to fix.

These two guys happened to be in the right place at the right time to help out someone they didn't even know from a school they probably don't like. They had the right education and was able to assess the issue that might have taken a paid mechanic all day to get to.

So think about who you're grouping into the term "millennials" before you stereotype an entire age group based on their birthdays. I know I will.

Graphic from

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