Monday, November 7, 2016

Election 2016

Hey guys, Jordan here getting a little political. Utah has always been predominantly a red (republican) state, so politics hasn't really interested me that much. In fact, the last time Utah voted democratic was in 1964 for Lyndon B. Johnson. Before Johnson, Utah voted democratic for Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman from 1932 to 1948.


            Franklin D. Roosevelt             

Harry S. Truman

Lyndon B. Johnson
Pictures from    

It seems everyone I talk with is incredibly concerned about this election. Who wouldn't be? It seems like we have two of the worst candidates we've ever seen. I mean, both of them are being investigated for crimes committed in their past. Hillary Clinton has a lot of big question marks about her integrity, while Donald Trump has said many off-color things that have turned people away from voting for him.

Donald J. Trump

Hillary R. Clinton
Photos from

Many people in Utah are looking for another option. It seemed they were going to go for Gary Johnson until he couldn't name a foreign leader. Now, they've turned to someone that everyone seems to think is a moral vote in Evan McMullin.

I, too, was caught up in the idea of someone being different than Clinton or Trump that looked clean. He worked for the CIA for 10 years, he seems to know a lot about politics and is very professional. I have since stopped following McMullin. And I'll explain why.

First, let's look at his website. It's incredibly clean and well thought-out. I really only have one issue with his policies. From his website,, it says, "Evan will impose tougher sanctions on Russia and increase America’s military presence in the Baltics in order to deter and reverse Putin’s aggression, rather than pretending that he is a partner for peace in Syria."

That's scary to me! I don't want to battle Putin. I think Putin is not someone to be messed with until he does something that is against America. There is only one thing that can come from "military presence in the Baltics." That's war. We don't want that.

Evan McMullin
Picture from

Next, let's look at McMullin's past. Oh wait, there isn't any. It's all a big secret. He could be working for Clinton, Putin, Trump or anyone else for that matter. We know nothing about this guy. He is quoted on YouTube saying he is running to keep Clinton and Trump from the White House, but then continues saying if he keeps Trump out of the White House, he would be successful. That doesn't sound like a fellow republican/conservative.

I think Utahns are running in to vote for a man that they don't fully understand. They cite reasons like it's a moral option, but what if you found out he isn't actually Mormon? What if it came out that he is working for Hillary Clinton to dupe the Mormons? What if he is just trying to ensure Hillary Clinton wins the election? Would you vote for him then? I doubt it.

So that left me with the two viable candidates: Clinton or Trump. Email Scandal or rape case? Benghazi or Mexico/America wall? I ultimately had to pick Trump. It seemed easy once I found that Clinton will be looking to place three new liberal judges on the Supreme Court. If that happens, the Constitution will be obsolete (but more on that later if Clinton wins tomorrow). Clinton's running mate, Tim Kaine, has also been recorded saying that religion will have to change to make way for the new rulings. That's not OK with me.

Trump has vowed that he will make safer choices for the Supreme Court. He is pro-christian, pro-life and pro-America. He is being investigated for the rape case, but based on the number of big name rape cases that have been fabricated in the past for athletes, celebrities and others in the spotlight makes me skeptical if Clinton didn't pay someone to say things that aren't true (it wouldn't be the first time).

Trump's final election ad.

Trump may not be a saint, but he is willing to make America what it used to be. This is why I'll be voting for Donald J. Trump tomorrow. 

Whatever happens, keep America in your prayers because we will need it whether Clinton, Trump, McMullin or anyone else wins. God bless America!

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