Monday, November 14, 2016

Redefining 'Millennial'

I am 25 years old, so I am considered a millennial. Of all the titles I hold or will ever hold, millennial might be the worst one. I've spent some time thinking about this the last week or so as the election was in process and now afterwards thanks to the rioting.

Picture from

In case you don't know what a millennial is, here is a definition from (sure, not the best source, but I thought it was pretty accurate and funny):

"Special little snowflake.

Born between 1982 and 1994 this generation is something special, cause Mom and Dad and their 5th grade teacher Mrs. Winotsky told them so. Plus they have a whole shelf of participation trophies sitting at home so it has to be true.

They believe themselves to be highly intelligent, the teachers and lecturers constantly gave them "A"'s in order to keep Mom and Dad from complaining to the Dean. Unfortunately, nobody explained to them the difference between education and grade inflation so they tend to demonstrate poor spelling and even poorer grammar.

At work, millennials believe themselves to be overachievers who just aren't understood by their loser bosses. Even Mom said so when she showed up for the interview."

Not everyone agrees on dates, but most people agree the dates go from somewhere in the 1980s up to about 2000. Basically, millennials are regarded as lazy, entitled, spoiled, participation-trophy-needing individuals. The good things that people say about millennials are that they are technologically advanced.

This election cycle has brought out the worst of the millennials as they riot in the streets and think their candidate, whomever it might have been, should have won. 

Doesn't this seem so true? Ecard from

The future looks bleak if you think these people who are rioting in the streets, burning the American flag, calling for a war against Trump supporters, and sobbing over the election will one day run businesses, states and even this country.

I'll tell you this though, millennials that will eventually run this country are not in the news right now. These millennials are finishing up school, still in school, running their own businesses already, or working hard to make their way to the top of their profession. Millennials may have received participation trophies and whatnot, but the best millennials took that as motivation to be better next time.

The best millennials will eventually rise up to take over those top spots in the workplace and politics because eventually the "newsworthy," loud-mouthed, entitled, lazy and spoiled millennials will fall by the wayside expecting things in life to be given them on a silver platter (or in the form of a participation trophy).

Don't judge all millennials on what you see on the news, because the best millennials are working their way up to make this country better than it has ever been.

Picture from

The best millennials realize that this picture is correct. We will be silent until it is our time to take over what is needed. We are not the loud ones yelling obscene things about Trump on your TV. We are the ones that are silent until it is necessary. Don't fear for future generations.

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