Saturday, November 12, 2016

Post-Election Thoughts

America has a new president. Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in an election for the history books. Trump proved that America is against corruption in the government by beating Clinton who has many different questionable attributes about her.

I'm not going to lie, I voted for Trump. If you think that makes me an awful, racist, sexist human being, then you should definitely keep reading so I can prove you wrong.

Here is a paragraph from ABC News (also where I got the picture) about what Trump plans to do on his first day in office:

"Trump said he will repeal and replace ‘Obamacare,' immediately suspend the admission of Syrian refugees, order a review of every single regulation issued over the last eight years, begin lifting all regulations that are hurting our workers and our businesses, terminate every single unconstitutional executive order signed by President Obama, restore the rule of law to our land, begin implementing plans for construction of a wall along our southern border and get rid of international gangs of thugs and drug cartels."

Although, I don't agree with all of these things, I think that is a great start to a presidency. 

President Obama, whom I disagree with a lot but respect and support 100 percent, said eight years ago he will bring about change. But there wasn't a lot of change that happened. Sure, he brought about the Affordable Care Act. He legalized gay marriage (after states already voted on it). He helped rid the world of Osama Bin Laden. I feel like Obama didn't bring about the change everyone needed.

President Barack Obama. Picture from

I think Trump will be able to make changes that seem crazy, but will help everyone in the country that is a citizen. He wants to impose term limits on all members of congress. That's a great idea. He also wants to reduce the size of the government by freezing all hires. He will decrease taxes and will figure out our trading with other countries. We've been getting screwed by China lately, so we needed to do something about that. Decreasing taxes could be good or bad, we'll see.

Trump is also looking at replacing the Affordable Care Act. I understand the usefulness of this act for some people, but it also gouges others. I think with a lot of help from former presidential candidate and former surgeon Dr. Ben Carson, Trump will be able to put a more effective health care reformation in place.

Dr. Ben Carson. Picture from

Trump will uphold the Constitution of the United States. He will fight and probably defeat ISIS. He will fix our educational issues. He will fight for the average American. He will take care of our veterans. He will make America great again!

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