Monday, February 6, 2017

Regarding the Last Two Weeks

The last two weeks have been crazy. Sorry we haven't posted anything here, but after this, hopefully you'll understand why.

While I was at work last Wednesday (Jan. 25), I received a phone call from an unknown number. I missed the call (I don't usually answer calls from numbers I don't recognize). Then it said missed call and voicemail, so that's always interesting. Usually when it's a number I don't know, it's a call I didn't want to receive anyway. Not this time. Here is what was said:

"Hey Jordan, this is Dr. Grant with Roseman University College of Pharmacy. I was calling to say just how much we appreciated you coming in to interview with us. We hope that you found it informative, and we hope that you learned just as much about us as we did about you and that you enjoyed your time here, because I would like to offer you a seat here in South Jordan with our class of 2020. So, Congratulations. We were very happy to have you to come in. So, you can say that you are accepted into pharmacy school. I remember how awesome that feeling was for me. I say tonight you enjoy it and definitely celebrate just how awesome of an accomplishment that is..."

Six days. That's all it had taken for them to review everything since the interview and offer me a seat. That was a lot faster than I thought it was going to be. Next, I got an email stating all the things I needed to do to accept the seat at Roseman.

Today (Feb. 3), I sent the paperwork to Roseman to accept that offer. I will be attending pharmacy school next year! It was such a huge relief to be accepted and be able to focus on the semester at hand.

In other news, Kaylee has gotten me running on a treadmill, which is a huge step for her. She is excited about it. I ran a mile the last two times. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but I hate running for fun.

We also went ice skating the other day, which was another big deal for Kaylee. She keeps begging me to try rollerblading, and I have never done it, so I always decline. Then, every winter, she begs me to go ice skating, but I decline that also. This time, we went with the YSA ward for Family Home Evening. I went around the rink three times. It was a struggle!

You can read a little of her thoughts on Instagram. Her profile is abel_kay02.

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