Sunday, February 12, 2017

The F-word

This is something that has been on my mind for a few days. Whether it's heck, shiz, gosh, frick or any other variation that people use, Utahns are known for making up different words in place of swears. It's normal for Utahns -- heck, I do it too.

Awesome picture from

So, since when is it normal for people to use the F-word in casual conversation? Sure, you hear it in high schools all the time, and you'll definitely hear it on college campuses also. But why is it so prevalent now? One thing that has caught my attention the past week is how often women are using this awful word.

I heard it used twice by women on two different occasions this past week! The first time I was just walking home after a class and these two girls were having a conversation. In the brief moment of passing by them, one of the girls threw down the word twice, about four words apart.

The second time was in my swimming class (yeah, I'm taking a swimming class. Yes, it's a beginning class). I was doing the workout on the board with the other five or six swimmers that didn't need swim lessons to start the class, and I'm about halfway through it when I decided to stop for a rest. A girl two lanes over is looking at the clock to time herself and she just says it twice in a row for no apparent reason except she is tired from swimming.

Photo from I don't think Trump said the F-word hear, but it's still a funny picture that always makes me think that's what he is saying.

I'd like to submit that a woman saying the F-word is one of the biggest turn-offs ever. If a cute girl says it, she immediately is no longer cute. It's a disgusting word and you sound a look disgusting when you say it, so just stop.

Yes, this is me focusing on the women who say it, but I think guys say it because they think it makes them look tougher. They think they're proving they're not afraid to say a bad word, thus translating that they're not afraid of anything. Well, it makes them look stupid. 

Honestly, all swearing is because of a lack of vocabulary. People use swear words to amp up their sentences, when there are already good words to do that, and those words don't make you sound awful.

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