Sunday, September 4, 2016

My Husband

So I thought it’d be my turn now to share some thoughts on Jord!

First off, if you couldn’t tell already, he loves to write. Hence, he’s the one that took this blog idea and ran with it, and here I am struggling to get one post in a week. It’s become a little embarrassing how little I know about grammar and punctuation.  He knows all about it, and he should because he has written for the St. George newspapers for about 4 years now. Although he has a love and talent for writing, he also has a passion for sports; put those together and he absolutely loves writing about sports. Watch for his articles on Cedar High School football and basketball.

He’ll also talk your ear off about sports too. If you’re a fan of any sport he’ll easily make friends with you. Although football and basketball are by far his favorites, he knows the rules to most all sports. Jordan is pretty much a genius; of course that is my own biased opinion. Now, besides his wisdom in writing, sports and chemistry I can’t miss an opportunity to mention how much he knows about the gospel. Growing up in a wonderful family that nurtured him in the gospel, as well as reading endlessly on his mission on gospel principles and scripture, he has developed a great knowledge and testimony of the gospel. He also serves in callings with such a quiet gentle spirit.

I mean that quite literally. Not only in spiritual things, Jordan has a quiet soul in everything he does (this is why I have to call them discussions instead of arguments). He truly does like to discuss deep doctrine, controversial ideas, our future plans, and sometimes politics but I often make them more heated than he likes. Some of my favorite ways to describe him are calm, chill and level headed. I’d be shocked if you’d ever find him in a fight because he would never bother with such silliness.

Speaking of silliness, here’s a secret about Jordan: he’s a goof ball. To get me to smile he’s really good at turning on his silly button. That’s why I call him Silly. You’ll also easily see it if you ever watch him with his nieces and nephews, he’s just one of the kids. I can’t wait for him to be a dad!

Finally, I’ll end with the things I find most attractive about him so if you’re just about fed up with this ooey gooey stuff I won’t be offended if you stop reading now. He’s got such bright blue eyes, which, it’s a shame he loves Utah so much because they just pop when he wears blue. Sometimes he wears glasses too, which I never thought I would like but it makes him look intelligent and cute. If you let him go a week without shaving and he has that perfect amount of scruff, he just looks adorable. At 5 foot 11 inches, he is just tall enough for me; also fit enough to be active with me, usually involving his love for Frisbee and volleyball. And so we have come back to sports, which wraps Jordan up quite nicely! I love him more than I could say. 

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