Thursday, March 23, 2017

Driving In The Elements

As I drive from Cedar City to St. George very often, I have driven through a lot of different types of weather.

I've had fun driving through snow most of the way from St. George to Cedar City, then start to slide as I'm getting off the Cedar City exit. I have never gotten into an accident because of the snow, rain, sleet or wind though. *Knock* *knock* on wood.

Last night was one of the craziest rainstorms I've seen while driving. It's not the craziest (Thank you, Beaver), but it was one of them.

Picture from

I got on the road from St. George and there was light rain. By the time I got near Leeds, it was coming down pretty good. From then on, it felt like my car kept drifting to the right, people were driving super slow. I realized it was just the wind though because my car tells me when there is a lack of contact with the ground.

I feel like I'm flying past people, but I'm only going around 60 miles an hour. The rain was so randomly hard sometimes, but very light in others. I only had low traction twice though throughout the whole drive.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm not a big fan of drivers in Utah. We get such an awful mixture of Utahns trying to go as fast as they can, Californians staying in the fast lane, so I have to pass them on the right, and then some Nevadans do a mixture of the two.

When weather is introduced, I feel like these drivers get 100 percent worse. They act like they've never driven in a little rain storm. They don't dare change lanes, so sometimes you get stuck behind two people going the same speed next to each other. They also won't go faster than 45-50 miles an hour. It just seems ridiculous to me.

Sure, I'm all for being safe (ask anyone that has been in the car while I drive). I just don't get super worried about driving until I feel like I'm sliding. I will slow down below the speed limit, but I'm not going to shy away from passing you if you're driving slower than you should be.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Favorite Song...For Now

Talking about John Mayer's newest music made me think about posting about my favorite song right now. You know how there is something about a song that just fully explains your life, well this is that type of song.

I have had many different favorite songs throughout my life. For a really long time it was "More Than A Feeling" by Boston. That song is phenomenal. The guitar, the lyrics and words are great. But the drums are my favorite part of that song. It gets me jamming out every time, even still to this day.

Another one of my favorite songs for awhile was "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. It is such a catchy tune, catchy wording and makes me happy I don't hang out in bars. 

An all-time top 3 to 5 for me is Michael Jackson's "Man In The Mirror." That song is so powerful with the words he says and the heartfelt way it is sung. I absolutely love that song. Michael Jackson has so many good songs, but this is the pinnacle for me.

This is in no way me saying my top 5 songs right now, but wouldn't be awful it was. I'm just saying my favorite song for now. 

My favorite song right now is by John Mayer. It's called "Stop This Train." If you haven't heard it, you need to. In fact, here is the live version which is my favorite version:

If you listen to the lyrics, you too will love it. Sometimes I think life is moving too fast, like he says in the beginning. It seems like I just graduated high school sometimes, then it also feels like I just got home from my mission now. I've been graduated for almost 8 years, and home from my mission for almost 4 1/2 years.

Then he says he gets advice from his dad, "Don't for a minute change the place you're in." I would never change the way my life has come to this point. I wouldn't change Kaylee for anyone else. I wouldn't change my opportunity as a member of the bishopric of the young singles adult ward for anything. I wouldn't change my opportunity to attend pharmacy school this next fall. 

Life is great! Sometimes it flies by, other times moments seem to never end. In the end, take it as it comes and enjoy the moment. To end, here is one of my mom's favorite quotes, "Find joy in the journey."

Thursday, March 2, 2017

New Music -- In Waves

If you know much about me, you will know that I am a pretty laid back, chill person. I have gone through lots of different genres of music over my life. I loved classic rock (AC/DC, Aerosmith, Boston, etc.) for a long time, and still do. I had stints of Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Frank Sinatra among others that I listened to for a long time.

Since returning from my mission, I have moved most of my music preferences to more relaxed music over the past few years though. I have fallen in love with basically everything Billy Joel, Jack Johnson and John Mayer produced and still produce.

Well, the past two months John Mayer has released two "waves" of four songs. These eight new songs are from his new, 14-song album "The Search For Everything."

You may have heard one of his songs from Wave One on the radio. It's called "Love on the Weekend." Here it is:

As great as that song is, you need to listen to the other three songs from the first wave, They are titled "Moving On and Getting Over," "You're Gonna Live Forever In Me" and "Changing."

They're all so different, but all so amazing.

Wave Two came out about a week ago, and I love all four songs already. The one I wanted to share is "Still Feel Like Your Man." It's got such a smooth feel to it. Plus the second verse is kind of funny with the shampoo stuff.

Find the rest of his second wave on YouTube. The other songs are titled "Roll It On Home," Emoji of a Wave" and "Helpless." 

John Mayer has been doing music for a long time, and this could be one of his best albums. It's hard to top "Continuum," but this is incredible, heartfelt music.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Busy, Busy

The past couple of weeks have been crazy. I feel like I have less and less time to spend doing things I want to and enjoy. I had to add another class for Roseman.

I didn't realize I hadn't completed the speech component for my prerequisites, so I added Communications 1010. I thought it was completed by my Interpersonal Communications class, so I wasn't worried until I received an email one day saying I needed to finish my speech class.

Picture from

This was about a month ago now, though. I have already gotten into the class (nearly an entire month late). So I have been catching up on that. I just gave an informative speech on France Monday. It went pretty well, but I haven't seen a score back from it, so that's got me a little nervous. I think I'm all caught up in the makeup work with the class though, so I should have more free time.

As for Organic Chemistry, it's been a tough class. I did pretty well in the first semester, but this second semester started with something completely different. Then it jumped back into what we were used to. We have a test on Friday. There are tons of reactions and mechanisms in the two chapters we will be tested on too! I'm going to take all day tomorrow and study. I will pass this class! I have to for pharmacy school.

Silly picture from

Wish me luck!