Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"He hath attended prayer"

Fast-forward a few years to my time at the MTC. Not that I didn't have any special experiences in high school, but I chose to skip over them. I considered writing about the Pioneer Trek, but I must have repressed those memories a bit.

This time, I found that God answers prayers immediately when He feels it is necessary. I also learned His plan is perfect.

The Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah is basically a religious school/prison. Don't get me wrong, the MTC is a great place to begin to learn a language and learn more of what you'll be teaching for two years on a mission, but you're basically trapped in that place.

I was at the MTC before the Church reduced the time missionaries need to spend there, so I was there for two whole months. About three weeks in, I was finally settling in and enjoying my district of 11 other missionaries when I got a letter from my dad.

I looked forward to letters from my dad because he always kept me updated in sports. This letter was different though. In this particular letter, he told me that Rick Ence had passed away. My dad shared this because they are the same age. He told me because I went to high school with one of his sons.

Justin Ence was the football star in high school. I thought for sure that kid was going to go big in football, but I think playing quarterback and safety hurt his chances even though he could've been a star safety in college (think Eric Weddle-type player).

Justin wasn't a close friend, but everyone knew who he was because of football. He was popular in high school, but is one of the most down-to-earth people you'll meet. He is always nice to me and everyone he ever came in contact with.

Here is Justin on his wedding day with his mother. He married his high school sweetheart, Jesslin. I stole this picture from her Facebook page.

When Rick passed away, Justin was serving his mission in Brazil. I read the letter and my heart sank. The world seemed to dim.

At the end of the letter, my dad told me Justin got to talk with his family and was told that Rick wouldn't have wanted him to come home for this. His brother's told him to finish his mission, which he did.

That night, at the MTC, I prayed one of the most fervent prayers I have ever given in my life. I don't remember everything that I said, but I remember asking for the Ence family to be comforted and that they all would understand His plan. I also asked that I may understand His plan and why these things happen at times like this. I felt the most calm feeling come upon me at that time.

I felt like I received an answer almost immediately that the Lord knows what He is doing and that He needed Rick for work on the other side. I still can remember this feeling over 7 years later. I don't think I'll ever forget it. 

Here is a picture of Rick Ence. He was 49 when he passed away. He would've turned 57 two weeks ago.

This is an example of how the Lord has a plan at all times, even if it hurts our finite, mortal minds here. He also answers prayers immediately when necessary. I didn't really ever meet Rick, but I will never forget him and his family because of this special moment.

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