Sunday, December 24, 2017

"Shall cleave to his wife"

It wouldn't be right of me to end with just stories of my mission, especially with the life I currently have.

God has prepared a way that we can live together forever in our families. I can't think of a greater blessing than this.

I'll never forget the day that I married Kaylee. It was a whirlwind of a day, but it was perfect.

A week before we actually got married, Kaylee was able to go through the temple to get her endowments. This means that it was her first time through the temple (besides baptisms for the dead). I was there and seeing her in all white, made me and my heart happy. She radiated beauty as she entered the Celestial room for the first time.

Prior to the wedding day, we picked Gail Ockey to do our sealing. He was the patriarch that gave me my patriarchal blessing. 

I don't remember a lot of what he said by Patriarch Ockey, but I remember how I felt as I looked across the altar into the eyes of my wife. She looked happy. Don't ask why, it was only me.

I wish I could've taken a snapshot of the entire room though and the people that were there. So many happy faces of family and friends. 

Kaylee and I were sealed for "time and all eternity" together. That means that we will not be separated after this life. We are not married "till death" only, but forever. I recommend that blessing to everyone, but not just anyone can seal someone for all eternity. The proper authority must be held by that sealer. Because we are sealed together, our children, starting with our baby girl, will also be sealed to us.


Living together forever is something that I would wish that everyone could enjoy. These moments, especially within the walls of the temple, are moments that mean more than anything in the world. The Spirit is so strong in the temple, and being able to go to the temple with the one you love most is incredible.

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